Friday, November 27, 2009

I downloaded windows 2000, burned it to a disk, used an ISO program to access the files, but I can&#

I've tried to boot my computer from the CD but it doesn't do anything. Help!

I downloaded windows 2000, burned it to a disk, used an ISO program to access the files, but I can't run it. Ysafari browser

it's not going to work on the disk..... they do this so people CAN"T use burned copies of windows.... stop trying its not worth it

I downloaded windows 2000, burned it to a disk, used an ISO program to access the files, but I can't run it. Yds browser internet explorer

because, you have to use the "copy cd" option, as if you are burning from one disk to another disk, except when you are selecting the "source disk" you want to select the "cd image" option, if it is available.

Then burn that, and voila! you got yourself a fresh brand-new copy of Windows 2K.

NOTE: use a "CD-Image" option, not a "data file" option (drag 'n drop).

"Copy CD" etc.

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