Sunday, November 29, 2009

Can you upgrade windows 2000 to windows vista?


Can you upgrade windows 2000 to windows vista?windows installer

Here's the Micro$oft link to Vista. It includes an upgrade advisor that can hep you find out if you computer will support Vista. Personally, I'd stay with Windows 2000. It's a proven platform, stable, and most of the bugs have been removed. When Vista is finally released to the general public, it will take another year of "real life" use to figure out what the problems are. Remember wehn XP was released? It wasn't long before SP1 came out, and then the biggest fix the computing world ever saw..... SP2. I predict the first security pack for Vista will be larger than the SP2 for XP. Anyway, here's the link:

Can you upgrade windows 2000 to windows vista?microsoft vista internet explorer

in my openion no

as vista is having more features

keep cheking microsoft site u can get better answer from that
Not until vista is released to the general public. It's being beta tested now, so it's close.

They are talking release around January of 2007, and there will be a tool to see if your computer will upgrade that can be run.
Short answer: no, but...

Long answer: yes, however...

Microsoft would like it if you did, so they could see what would happen. This is a beta, which means you're testing it for Microsoft.

The biggest problem with using the beta is that after the testing period ends (June of 07) you will not be able to use Vista without purchasing it. And, currently, there is no way of uninstalling Vista and restoring previous Windows versions. You would have to wipe your hard drive and reinstall your old version. Unless you installed Vista as part of a dual-boot environment (read more here: )

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