Sunday, November 29, 2009

In Windows 2000, what substitutes for System Configuration Utility (msconfig)?

I am trying to stop apps from loading at startup in a friends computer with limited RAM. Thanks!

In Windows 2000, what substitutes for System Configuration Utility (msconfig)?microsoft net

Download msconfig for Windows 2000 from this site:

Can I upgrade Windows 2000 Pro to Windows XP Pro or do I have to do a clean install?

yes, that update is possible.

Can I upgrade Windows 2000 Pro to Windows XP Pro or do I have to do a clean install?windows xp sp2

wait for the new Windows Vista, it's coming out very soon

Can I upgrade Windows 2000 Pro to Windows XP Pro or do I have to do a clean install?microsoft sql server internet explorer

if your on windows 2000 your computer probably cant handle windows xp
its better if u cclean install,,,,dont 4get to back up ist b4 reinstall win xp
Yes, windows 2000 pro can be upgraded to XP pro. But, it can't be upgraded to XP home. Be aware that after the upgrade your administrator becomes a hidden account. But can be policied to show the admin account at logon. Or change the log in process, and type in the admin account name and password.

It it best to just back up the important files you want to save and transfer. For the upgrade is unstable after awhile. Do a full install, and just keep the files you backed up.

OS(windows 2000) not loading?

When i start my system it's giving some Disk IO error saying that WINNT/SYSTEM32/CONFIG/ file s missing.

OS(windows 2000) not loading?microsoft internet explorer

Just put in ur Windows OS CD.

There would be an option Repair .

It would take you thru a process where it would ask you to replace some missing files. Just do it and incase it doesnt happen. You'll have to reinstall 2000 again

OS(windows 2000) not loading?microsoft downloads internet explorer

Repair your OS, insert your 2000 cd then reboot then fix it.
repair u r OS by repair function

just press F8 at u r start up screen %26amp; go thru the followin procedures

Restore windows 2000 default?

I was wondering how do I restore my old computer to it's deault state. I don't want any of the old files.

Restore windows 2000 default?windows xp service

There is no restore in win2k. You would need to reinstall it. Put the cd in and boot up. When asked, tell it to overwrite existing files.

Restore windows 2000 default?microsoft xp internet explorer

I cant recall if 2000 has 'system restore' or not but even if it does, this wont get rid of your old files.

You can delete your old files assuming they are not system files or you can upgrade to XP if you have it.

If you want a default state, then you need to reformat your PC.

and you need to know how. The sourse below tells you how.

Installing Windows 2000...shell32 error?

My dad bought a new computer, and would like some of his files off of the old one. He was running Win98, so I am trying to upgrade to Win2000 so I can plug in my external hard drive.

I went through the entire process, and it gets to one of the very last setup screens, and it comes up with shell32 can not be found, code 2. Then it goes to a screen that tells more info, which makes no sense to me.

Can I either cancel the download process (I can not get back to Win98 at all, it automatically goes to the Win2000 set up or download something on this computer and get it to the other one?

If these werent his wedding pictures, I really would not care this much...


Installing Windows 2000...shell32 error?windows vista ultimate

Sounds to me as though the installation disc is corrupt.

Now I really shouldnt do this go to the link below,trust me it works, my copy became damaged and it got me out of a hole.

I know I am going to get a load of thumbs down but I am trying to help you , make bootable image of the ISO file using Nero 7 lite.

I must state under normal cicumstances I do not support piracy, however seeing as Microsoft no longer offer support and you dont need to activate, things should be OK.

Hope you manage to get the Wedding pictures back.

Installing Windows 2000...shell32 error?default browser internet explorer

Hi, you may have a problem upgrading can delete you old files, however try to cancel the process and if you can still use the windows 98 and your pictures are still there then you shoould be able to use the external hardrive as long as you have windows 98 se which supports USB. If not then you could re-try installing win 2000 but im not sure if you upgrade wheter files get deleted or not as i alwaysdo a clean install.

Sorry couldnt be more help

You should have left it on 98, you could have transferred from there using a network card. You no longer have a complete 98 system so going back is not an option. I recommend you stop right now, remove the drive and fit it into another machine as a slave drive (set the jumper on the back for this) and see if you can still read the drive. If you can then copy the files over via network. I hope the copy of 2000 you have is actually an upgrade version, otherwise it may have overwritten the 98 install completely, leaving you nothing original.

Can I install Windows 2000 and Windows Xp 64 bit on the same computer?

I mean, can I install them on two different partitions?

Can I install Windows 2000 and Windows Xp 64 bit on the same computer?microsoft net framework

yes you can dual boot - but you can't install 64 bit OS on a machine that isn't a 64 bit processor.

Can I install Windows 2000 and Windows Xp 64 bit on the same computer?windows xp themes internet explorer

Also, probably install Windows 2000 first, then XP. If you do it the other way it might screw things up.
Tried that with 32 bit XP and 64 bit XP on a 64 bit machine and it works. Win 2000 should work since it uses NTFS. The first two answers are both correct.


For windows 2000, what is the recomended and minimum RAM?

Windows 2000 Professional:

* 133 MHz or higher Pentium-compatible CPU

* 64 megabytes (MB) of RAM recommended minimum

* 2 GB hard disk space

Windows 2000 Server:

* 133 MHz CPU

* 256 MB of RAM minimum

* 2 GB hard disk space

Windows 2000 Advanced Server:

* 133 MHz CPU

* 256 MB of RAM recommended minimum

* 2 GB hard disk space

Hope that helps.

In windows 2000 taskmanager, run command, regedit was disabled, which virus is infected and how to c

go into safe mode and scan there. To get into safe mode restart your system. When you see the splash screen (manufacturer of the system or of the board) you tap F8 (not once, hit it a few times) untill you see the start up options menue. Select Safe Mode. Log in as administrator and scan there. Safe mode forces all un needed items to not run. It will run on basic system requirements. No viruses or spy ware can be active in this mode and will be cleaned and removed.

In windows 2000 taskmanager, run command, regedit was disabled, which virus is infected and how to clean it?windows 98

forget about that windows and have an XP

In windows 2000 taskmanager, run command, regedit was disabled, which virus is infected and how to clean it?microsoft support internet explorer

It sounds like you are connected to a network, and the admins have a Group Policy to disable the task manager, run command and regedit.
download IE bett-er it automaticly revises the settings allowing registry
I can give a few links that offer free virus and spyware removers...!You may be having a virus or spyware installed on your PC. Norton, AVG , Avast are free antivirus software. Ad-aware, Ewido are free spyware removers. You can download free softwares at and

If antivirus and spyware remover software does not work, you can try to restore the computer to an older working configuration. Detailed instructions are posted at

In windows 2000 how can i create a local printer and shared printer in a network???

creating local printer and shared printer on the network.. i don't know how

In windows 2000 how can i create a local printer and shared printer in a network???windows xp home

Assuming you have a working network, go into the Printers menu on Control Panel, right-click on the printer you want to share, and select "Sharing..." From there, an option window should pop up asking you to set the preferences of the printer. When you're done, just press OK. For a local printer, make sure that your printer is physically connected to your computer (via Parallel/Centronics or USB) and make sure the drivers (Usually on a CD or Floppy) are installed on the computer.

Is Windows 2000 still a good operating system to have installed ?

Microsoft support for this operating system has ended but if you have a business computer its still a good operating system.

Is Windows 2000 still a good operating system to have installed ?windows nt

its pretty decent and fast .. just not as much support as there used to be ...

Is Windows 2000 still a good operating system to have installed ?windows 95 internet explorer

It's 7 years old try Vista
No. It is outdated, and was horrible in the first place. You could try Vista, but that will cost ya, and Ubuntu is far better and free.
get xp, do not get vista.
Yes, it's XP / Vista without all the "eye candy".

It's faster and has fewer bugs, but you'll still have to protect yourself from Malware.
It is out of date, but if it is working for you then keep using it! I have custemers that still use 2000 and love it!

Does windows 2000 support dual monitors if I install 2 video cards?

Yes it does

Does windows 2000 support dual monitors if I install 2 video cards?microsoft flight simulator

Yes, I have Windows 2000 at work and have 2 for customers and one for dispatch.

Does windows 2000 support dual monitors if I install 2 video cards?windows 2000 internet explorer

It will. However you don't necessarily need two video cards, some cards these days support dual displays on their own.
you don t need 2 cards you need just monitor splitter;_ylt=Ah...

In windows 2000 for ctrl+c and ctrl+v there is any possibility for keymapping for those keys?

Is it not working for u ?

it is default functions on windows.

If its not working then try updating ur antivirus software and run a full system scan on ur computer.

Could be a virus too.

Can I Install Windows 2000 Over WIndows XP?

I Have an Old PC (2001) It Currently Has XP Media Center on it. (long story short: Crashed HDD, Friend let me borrow MCE\Dell Recovery!) MCE Takes up too much video memory for my nVidia TNT 2 m64. I used to play a good amount of games with it but i cant lately due to the crash.

I Want to install Win2k on my hard drive, without Losing my Data? Is that Possible?


80gb HDD (NTFS) , about 30-40GB Free.

Can I Install Windows 2000 Over WIndows XP?microsoft xp

No. You Must reformat your system in able to do that since you are downgrade. If this was an upgrade from Windows2K to Windows XP, That would been possible.

Can I Install Windows 2000 Over WIndows XP?download windows xp internet explorer

no you can't , you can save your data but you can't save winxp and games..
yes you can intall win2k on the current windows -but dont install new copy of XP in the installation option , choose repair and it will be fine as well as your documents.

My windows 2000 server, get script errors and cannot see what I type or what is typed to me on YM?

For this and other Yahoo! related questions, try the links below:

By clicking the above link you will find the address and phone number of Yahoo!;_ylt...

By clicking the above link you can contact Yahoo! Answers team directly.

Yahoo! has different customer care centres for different facilities like messenger customer care, 360 customer care, mail customer care etc. Which customer care u want to contact?

Please click the above link to select customer care of ur choice.

Hope this helps! ;)

Can Windows 2000 support Mozilla Firefox If it cant is there a place where I can download t

Like is there a website that has older versions of Firefox availilble for download?

Can Windows 2000 support Mozilla Firefox If it cant is there a place where I can download the old onewindows xp themes

Firefox 2 will work on any flavor of Windows. I have installed Firefox on Windows NT, 2000, 98SE, XP and Vista systems and it works on all of them.

However, if you really want older versions of Firefox, you can get them from

Can Windows 2000 support Mozilla Firefox If it cant is there a place where I can download the old onedownload windows media player internet explorer

Ask Mozilla....Hello.....
it should... just look it up at this link good luck
Well Windows 2000 when you think about it isn't that old. It should support it. The Internet sould have another verion someplace.
To the best of my knowledge Firefox will not run on Win2k, however all is not lost, the link below contains downloads of previous versions of Firefox :

Retrieve windows 2000 login password?

I have been given a laptop at work to get into as someones daughter set a password up and doesn't remember what she typed so i am looking for a program that could do this but every website i have been on, you have to pay for a program that could retrieve or re-set the password. Any ideas anyone?

Retrieve windows 2000 login password?microsoft frontpage

donno where you looking but there are enough programs

sry but i wont help as i cant know if you talk the truth

Retrieve windows 2000 login password?windows vista home premium internet explorer

try search it there...?

Forgot windows 2000 login screen password?

I only have an anmin account and i forgot the password for the login screen any help please???

Forgot windows 2000 login screen password?microsoft outlook

go to the option that says forgot your id and password

Is Windows 2000 on a laptop especially susceptible to viruses?

Someone told me this was the case, and since I am considering purchasing a laptop in the near future, I wondered if anyone out there has any personal experiences good or bad to enlighten me.

Is Windows 2000 on a laptop especially susceptible to viruses?windows defender

It's only susceptible to viruses if you don't have anti-virus, firewall, anti-spyware, software protection and you don't use the Microsoft updates to make sure its up to date on its windows vuernuabilties.

I've used Windows 2000 on my 400mhz Compaq laptop with proper anti-virus, firewall, anti-spyware, software protection and updates and had no problem. Of course the 400mhz is not fast but runs great for what I need it to do.

Don't let that old machine ROT!!! mod it into something useful!

Is Windows 2000 on a laptop especially susceptible to viruses?windows updates internet explorer

Unfortunately all Windows systems are especially susceptible to viruses. Because Windows is the most used operating system the people with time on their hands to develop the viruses target the Windows operating system so that the most damage is done. Get an anti-virus program and a firewall and good luck.
I don know 'bout Windows......but XP is the best
not really. All computers, technically is susceptible to viruses just make sure that you have an anti-virus installed in your laptop
Errr laptops suck... and yeah you would probably be more suseptable (or however its spelt) to viruses... Cuz lotsa people use that but with a laptop... dunno most people target pcs depends what you use it for... cuz they know.
I couldnt tell you for sure cause I dont have personal experience with that but I think that you should go with xp because they allways have these security updates to fix holes in windows and I am not sure if windows 2000 has that.
Whether it's on a laptop or desktop doesn't matter. Why not just go with XP Professional? They're all susceptible to viruses in some form or another. The biggest factor is your protection and usage. Good Anti Virus, Good Firewall and smart operator will keep you out of trouble.

Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack?

Do you need Administrative Rights to Install this program?

Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack?windows live messenger

Yes - Service Packs are OS related. Administrative rights are required.

Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack?microsoft money internet explorer

Yes. I think almost all Windows operating systems require admin rights to install software.
If it is downloaded by windows update, it will either install automatically or you will be advised that updates are ready to be installed. It will either work or tell you it could not install the update but with no explaination as to why it failed. At that point, you will have to log on as the admin to troubleshoot.

If the service pack was downloaded manually but not installed, administrative permissions would apply. Default security settings do not allow user or guest accounts to modify system files, so yes, you will have to log in as the administrator.

My windows 2000 cant read any blank cds or dvds?

any programs or something like that word be apreciated

My windows 2000 cant read any blank cds or dvds?opera browser

if its blank then there is nothing to read. surely

My windows 2000 cant read any blank cds or dvds?microsoft windows internet explorer

windows sux thats whyu

have u visited microoft site for help
stevie did you format the blank disc? if the disc is not properly introduced to the pc then its useless thats why you have to format it. you need to bring up whatever program you use to record or download stuff with and properly format or introduce the balnk cd/dvd to your system then you cant load and use it .comprende amigo?
Blank Cd's and DVD's, are BLANK!

Nothing to read!!!!?

Windows 2000 is NOT for home use!

It is designed for networked businesses!


OH! windows 98, next upgrade Windows
very much true blank discs will not b read.. only wen u frmat u ll be able!!

Running windows 2000 and yahoo toolbar ver:7.06.0 but but don't have any pop-up blocker?

You have to add the pop-up blocker to the yahoo toolbar. Click settings, click add/edit buttons and add the pop-up blocker button.

My desktop has windows 2000, and it will not boot up every time. All I get is the windows screen, HE

It could be a defective hard drive, bad systemboard, many other reasons, give more detail in the question

Can windows 2000 nt proff. handle wireless?

I have a dell latitude LS, no external to put wireless drivers in?????

Can windows 2000 nt proff. handle wireless?microsoft excel

You may have two choices: USB Wireless Adapter or PC Card Wireless Adapter.

Good luck

Can windows 2000 nt proff. handle wireless?microsoft updates internet explorer

Yes it can handle wireless if itz a labtop or desktop.... jsut got to buy the card for it...
Get a wireless PCMCIA card for your laptop. And yes, Windows 2000 professional can handle wireless.

I have two OS(windows XP and 2000)on my PC.How should I remove Windows 2000 without affecting the ot

one you could just go and straight ahed delete the windows 2000 's folder, and probably the program files folder, when you are logged into xp and make your xp as the default choice for bootiong into.

do delete the proper not delete xp's contents...delete windows 2000 contents.

to make default choice....

my computer -%26gt; rt click -%26gt; properties -%26gt; advanced tab-%26gt; startup and recovery -%26gt; in default Operating system, select windows xp ..... and set the select time as say 5 sec.

I have two OS(windows XP and 2000)on my PC.How should I remove Windows 2000 without affecting the other ?microsoft office 2007

change c:\boot.ini file

then delete win2000

I have two OS(windows XP and 2000)on my PC.How should I remove Windows 2000 without affecting the other ?windows media internet explorer

i had The same thing and i try ed removing it but it affected the other

so the best thing to do is take it to a computer engineer

PS your avatar is cool
There is no such reason for uninstalling Windows 2000 since I feel that Windows 2000 is no less than XP. However, to uninstall Windows 2000, you have to first uninstall Windows XP through Windows 2000. Then reinslall XP, this time using the upgrade option. I would suggest you to consult a mechanic as your every step can be fatal in this case.
When you installed the second OS (doesn't matter which one) did you do it on another partition ( C: = WinXP D: = Win2000)? If that is the case you will want to make your default boot to winxp and reformat the drive that has windows 2000 on it. It is very simple. I have done it many times.


there is a possibility that you may delete files needed for some installed apps. I would do a complete backup before doing anything.

Hope this helps....

Can you upgrade windows 2000 to windows vista?


Can you upgrade windows 2000 to windows vista?windows installer

Here's the Micro$oft link to Vista. It includes an upgrade advisor that can hep you find out if you computer will support Vista. Personally, I'd stay with Windows 2000. It's a proven platform, stable, and most of the bugs have been removed. When Vista is finally released to the general public, it will take another year of "real life" use to figure out what the problems are. Remember wehn XP was released? It wasn't long before SP1 came out, and then the biggest fix the computing world ever saw..... SP2. I predict the first security pack for Vista will be larger than the SP2 for XP. Anyway, here's the link:

Can you upgrade windows 2000 to windows vista?microsoft vista internet explorer

in my openion no

as vista is having more features

keep cheking microsoft site u can get better answer from that
Not until vista is released to the general public. It's being beta tested now, so it's close.

They are talking release around January of 2007, and there will be a tool to see if your computer will upgrade that can be run.
Short answer: no, but...

Long answer: yes, however...

Microsoft would like it if you did, so they could see what would happen. This is a beta, which means you're testing it for Microsoft.

The biggest problem with using the beta is that after the testing period ends (June of 07) you will not be able to use Vista without purchasing it. And, currently, there is no way of uninstalling Vista and restoring previous Windows versions. You would have to wipe your hard drive and reinstall your old version. Unless you installed Vista as part of a dual-boot environment (read more here: )


you don't install it over xp

either wipe xp or set up a partition and have both systems running with a boot option at startup


donr try to do a repair do a complete format and instal

HOW TO INSTALL WINDOWS 2000 OVER WINDOWS Xp?ds browser internet explorer

Not a good idea to ever install an older os over a newer one. You're better off booting with the Windows 2000 disk and do a clean reinstall. You'd lose everything (back it up to a thumb drive or something) but your computer won't have problems.
You should reconsider installing Windows Vista instead. Its a lot better then XP.
when you put the cd in your computer it will give you directions to follow. When you format the current disk it will get rid of your current operating system to istall the new one.

Is windows 2000 Advance server can use for 2 home computer networking ?

Definitely. You just have to select two IP addresses for the two computers. Need a hub or switch. You can even manage to have to computers networked without using a hub by just putting the RJ45 connectors in a special way.

Is windows 2000 Advance server can use for 2 home computer networking ?internet browser

Definitely. You just have to select two IP addresses for the two computers. Need a hub or switch. You can even manage to have to computers networked without using a hub by just putting the RJ45 connectors in a special way.

Is windows 2000 Advance server can use for 2 home computer networking ?windows media center internet explorer

Of course. Just read their explanations!

Why wont my windows 2000 computer read my insignia pilot player?

ive tried different usb ports and everything. and yes ive installed the disc it came with. plz help

Why wont my windows 2000 computer read my insignia pilot player?windows mobile 6

Try to use other computer to read it. if it works then the problem is at your computer otherwise the problem is on the USB device.

What are the difference between windows 2000 & windows 2003 Terminal Services ?


1) There is an important difference between win2000 and win2003 terminal services. when installing terminal services for win2000 u r prompted to select application server functions or administrative functions sets can be installed subsequently on one server but it performs only one function at one time.but in 2003 still distinguishes between application and administrative services but installation and management are now consolidated.


2. In Win 2003 we can Rename the Domain and Domain Controller name.

3. Stub zone is available.

4. Remote Desktop connection is there.

5. Automated System Recovery(ASR) is there, but Win2000 only Emergency Repair Disk(ERD) is there.

Trouble connecting a Windows 2000 Pro laptop to an XP desktop?

I have Linksys Wireless - G and everything went fine when installing the CD. I just can't seem to Make a new connection because the laptop can't find the internet. Its absolutely ridiculous and I need crucial help!

Trouble connecting a Windows 2000 Pro laptop to an XP desktop?windows updates

Set the wireless adapter in your laptop to use the windows zero config service. Then scan for wireless networks. When the laptop see's the your wireless network, then connect to it. Make sure you know the encryption codes.

Trouble connecting a Windows 2000 Pro laptop to an XP desktop?replacement windows internet explorer

Wow, you're going to need to add a lot more details.

If you are only trying to connect between a W2K machine and an XP machine, it doesn't have anything to do with the internet. When you say you have a Wireless-G, are you talking about a router or a network card? Where did you "install the CD" ? Please be more specific.
make sure that network Interface card is installed in your system ...?
the first is right MUCH more details are needed fortunately I have created a simular connection.basically the problem is in the permisions from XP to your 2000 computer. first you have enable 2000 username it will most likely be slightly diffrent for 2000 it could also change the password all caps something like that. 2000 might not allow certin ports and protocals so check in network connections the properties on both computers that will get you started to the right track

My computer is a Windows XP and it has Windows 2000...I want Windows 2007. Do I need to upgrade or d

a whole new set? and does anyone know if I can download a full version for free online?

My computer is a Windows XP and it has Windows 2000...I want Windows 2007. Do I need to upgrade or download?microsoft money


My computer is a Windows XP and it has Windows 2000...I want Windows 2007. Do I need to upgrade or download?windows explorer internet explorer

I have heard of windows 2000,and of XP, but 2007?? never heard of it. I would remove 2000 and just use XP
Are you saying your computer has a sticker on it that says it's compatable with XP, but, for whatever reason, you have Windows 2000 installed on it instead?

and by "Windows 2007", do you mean Windows Vista?

If you are wondering if your computer will work with Vista, a sure-fire way of finding that out is downloading the Vista Upgrade Advisor (URL below) it will tell you if your computer is ready for an upgrade or what it might lack before you can upgrade.
Windows 2007? You mean Windows Vista? I think you will need to upgrade your hardware but I don't think it's work it. Just keep Windows 2000 for a little while longer until there is no more support and then upgrade to XP. Chances are, XP will run just as well as 2000 if you turn off all fancy themes and effects by going to control panel, click system, then click advanced tab, then under performance click settings and then click optimize for best performance.

People good with windows 2000?

i'll try to explain this the best i can.

so when i used to open folders, recycling bin, etc., there was always on the left some picture representing the folder (enlarged icon basically), and it would show some information regarding the folder, such as the size. but suddenly my computer stopped showing that whole left side, so all there is in the folder is just a list of the files inside the folder. how do i get the left part to show again?

People good with windows 2000?microsoft windows

Enable web view. If I recall (it's been a few years), you can get it simply by right-clicking and selecting it from "View."

People good with windows 2000?windows media player 10 internet explorer

Here is how u do it..

- Open Control Panel --%26gt; System

- Click 'Advanced' tab --%26gt; Under 'Performance' --%26gt; Settings

- Scroll down to the bottom

- Check 'Use common tasks in folder' --%26gt; Apply --%26gt; OK

thats all....


Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional will not let me type in a password, nor will the cursor show up

sounds like a problem with the software, i would run the disc and either repair or reinstall the program

Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional will not let me type in a password, nor will the cursor show up on that?microsoft project

Make sure the keyboard is connected properly (press the caps lock and see if the caps lock light goes on). If the mouse is not appearing use the TAB (forward) or SHIFT-TAB (backward) to move around the login screen. If you have another keyboard, try using it to test if it's the keyboard. If it's on a laptop, your keyboard may have come loose (this requires opening the laptop - not recommended). The problem should be hardware related. But if it's not, I guess reloading Windows may be the last choice...

In Windows 2000, will the backup program restore the registry?

I made a full system backup the other day and want to know if I could restore the whole thing if the fresh reinstall I'm planning doesn't work out and I want to go back to how it was.


In Windows 2000, will the backup program restore the registry?microsoft publisher

It is supposed to, but I would backup the reg by itself as well to make sure:


Boot windows 2000 professional from flashdrive?

1)Enter setup and boot from CD

2)Install on your flashdrive

3)Enter setup and boot from USB

To enter setup, hit the Del key when the manufacturer's logo comes up when you press the power button.

If your computer can't boot from USB, your BIOS is out-of-date (like mine)

Can windows 2000 run a dos 6 program?

possibly, best way to find out is to try it, different things to check are format 16/ 32 bit, and cpu speed, and program system requirements,

if program doesnt start by double clicking may need to start via dos command line window,

note to also scan for viruses in older programs,


Friday, November 27, 2009

Can windows 2000 play small film clips from your mp3 player?

yes if you have windows media player

Can windows 2000 play small film clips from your mp3 player?microsoft vista

i think it can

Can windows 2000 play small film clips from your mp3 player?windows xp pro internet explorer

So long as your clip is in a recognizable format. ** Excuse my spelling.. It's as bad as me. ** Then I don't see any reason why it shouldn't play.

Does windows 2000 pro support NTFS... ?

i want to install it on my pc ...

i have NTFS file system do i need to change it ?? and to what

i hope it support it :)

Does windows 2000 pro support NTFS... ?ds browser

yes windows 2000 pro is based on the NTFS filing sytem.

Does windows 2000 pro support NTFS... ?microsoft templates internet explorer

NTFS is supported in windows 2000 pro. However, you cannot use encrypted filesystem support from XP and then downgrade to 2000. It won't be compatible.

However, if you are upgrading (going up in versions), you will be all set to read NTFS.
yes it does....I'm just repeating the above....
yes,it prefers it
yes ntfs is supported by win 2000 prof.

it is a preffered fs for 2000.
off course the 2000 professional support the NTFS file system

In Windows 2000, more than 1 user can be logged into the computer at the same time?


This feature is called fast-user switching, which was introduced in Windows XP. Every operating system from Microsoft that is Windows XP or later, has fast user switching.

In Windows 2000, more than 1 user can be logged into the computer at the same time?windows media center

Umm... no.

People are able to remotely logon to your computer to access files IF you have a network set up and files shared.

But, by default there can only be one user logged in at a time.

Can I uninstall windows 2000 and replace with windows 98?


But why would you want to?

You can uninstall and reinstall any windows program as long as your computer has the capacity to handle the size of the program. As you will be going down in size, you will have no problem

Can I uninstall windows 2000 and replace with windows 98?microsoft office 2003

sure you can.. i recommend you use Windows Xp though..

**The answer below is right but that can slow down your system

Can I uninstall windows 2000 and replace with windows 98?windows xp professional internet explorer

Yes, or partition your drive and put both on, then you will be given the option to start in 2000 or 98.
Just get Windows XP Proffesional...
sure ya can. if your haveing a issue with it not letting you do it easyly then just make a start up disk. then once ya boot to dos you should be able to /format c:\ .

if for some reason it will not let you format you may need to fdisk and unmount and remount then format the drive but these are not things that take to long to if oyu dont know how to use dos you may want to ask a friend to help you or you could mess up your partitions on your hd and make life harder on yourself.
Actually, that's very possible. Just format (completely empty your PC) and reinstall it. But, why would you want to do that? That's kinda pointless isn't it?
YES, backup all files you want to keep EXTERNALLY, Use 98 disc and reformat the HD, then install.

I can sympathize with your problem. Newer programs almost ALWAYS require newer computers due to the size of the OS, and the extra "bells and whistles" they add.

I can't understand why so many people are against you using an older OS.

I have several older systems and still use MS-DOS for what it is good for, such as "control". (On a 200MHz CPU, 33MHZ bus, 16MB RAM; it will be up and running BEFORE WinXP can finish booting on a 4GHz CPU, 400MHz bus, 1GB RAM, !!)

I am writing this with Win98SE, but I also have an older UNIX, and several Linux, and Win3.1 for different uses; as well as WinXP for some things.

Problem windows 2000?

When i click on the internet. Go to a link. CLICKING sound comes out of the speckers. How do i turn it off? Hope you understand?

Problem windows 2000?microsoft works

If you got to control panel, then sounds and devices, then go to the sounds tab scroll down and you will find Start Navigation under the Windows Explorer entry just change it to none.

Problem windows 2000?windows mobile internet explorer

Do you use a dial-up modem? If that modem speaker is "on", then perhaps you are hearing the "handshake" of signals prior to logging on.

Can i install windows 2000 exchange server on windows 2003 O.S.?

Sorry, You Can't. You Must've format the System.

Can i install windows 2000 exchange server on windows 2003 O.S.?replacement windows

yes you can install exchange server 2000 on windows 2003 server regardless of what the previous poster said.

Can i install windows 2000 exchange server on windows 2003 O.S.?windows mail internet explorer

It is not a possible option.

You need to perform a fresh installation.

On windows 2000 when u hit start,search,files or folders, and type a letter a old search shows how d

Remember, Im NOT talking about internet history, I'm talking about search for files and folders history. PLEASE be very specific( not yelling)

Thanks a lot

On windows 2000 when u hit start,search,files or folders, and type a letter a old search shows how do u clear?windows explorer


On windows 2000 when u hit start,search,files or folders, and type a letter a old search shows how do u clear?microsoft zune internet explorer

I don't use Win2000, but your best bet is to download a freeware program that will do this for you. Just search for 'windows 2000 search clear download' or something.
I remember seeing it in properties of Start button. Right click the start button, go to properties. There should be a delete button for history.

Can you buy windows 2000 off the internet to upgrade your PC from Windows 98?

Skip Windows 2000 and go straight to Windows XP.

Can you buy windows 2000 off the internet to upgrade your PC from Windows 98?windows media player 10

No, you have to buy the CD.

Can you buy windows 2000 off the internet to upgrade your PC from Windows 98?microsoft net internet explorer

you can order it but you need the disk to upgrade your operating system
Here are a couple I found on
Have your credit card ready and it can be done.
You could order it. But I would not see 2000 as an upgrade.
Yes. But is that the best solution to your situation?

Consider buying XP Home or XP Media Center if your machine has the memory to run them.

If your hardware and /or budget limit your choice, learn what you can and try it..
check out ebay for upgrade versions of win 2000. most merchants don't carry it anymore. If you find it it will be backstock, overstock, or just plain not there.

consider buying a new system and migrating your data and files to new system. Many desktop computers are offered at $200-$300 for a system.

If this if for a server setup then yeah, you can get that too. Even has it there.

In windows 2000 how to convert photos in jpeg format to continous screensaver format using AcdSee So

Try Picasa.

A free software download from Google.

Picasa is software that helps you instantly find, edit and share all the pictures on your PC. Every time you open Picasa, it automatically locates all your pictures (even ones you forgot you had) and sorts them into visual albums organised by date with folder names you will recognise. You can drag and drop to arrange your albums and make labels to create new groups. Picasa makes sure your pictures are always organised.

Picasa also makes advanced editing simple by putting one-click fixes and powerful effects at your fingertips. And Picasa makes it a snap to share your pictures 鈥?you can email, print photos home, make gift CDs, and even post pictures on your own blog.

Here To Download for free:

Using Windows 2000 Pro, graphics won't come up online. How do I un-disable this on my computer?

I have full graphics on my computer offline, i.e. wallpapers, screen savers, pictures(j-peg) that I previously saved to my photos and documents, etc. that come up no problem. Problem is when I'm online. Pictures don't "catch" is how a friend explained it. There is just a blank where you can tell a picture or graphic would be. Anyone out there that knows how to "un-disable" this on my computer? And how to "disable".

Using Windows 2000 Pro, graphics won't come up online. How do I un-disable this on my computer?windows server 2003

Are you using Internet Explorer to browse the web or Firefox? What version? Look for a setting in "Tools -%26gt; Internet Options" something along the lines of "Load Images Automatically" and see if checking this box helps.

Try this solution from

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer 5.x and later for Windows

1. From the Tools menu, select Internet Options... .

2. In the window that appears, select the Advanced tab.

3. Scroll down the list to "Multimedia", and uncheck the box for Show Pictures.

4. Click OK.

Using Windows 2000 Pro, graphics won't come up online. How do I un-disable this on my computer?windows xp service internet explorer

You need to install flash player for IE. Go here to download the program:
you can download flashplayer

go to google and type in flashplayer download and then hit ADOBE flashplayer download

My windows 2000 os on my HP Vectra VI8 doent reconize my cd rom or dvdrom I keep getting a code 19 e

I have tried using the uninstall and several registry cleaners I have even tried to re install the os

My windows 2000 os on my HP Vectra VI8 doent reconize my cd rom or dvdrom I keep getting a code 19 error?microsoft exchange

The Cd/DVD rom might be defective. also check the cables and connections from the cd to the board.

Our Windows 2000 server keeps rebooting itself every night and we get an access violation,how can we

We have tried to go to the server computer, type in the login and password, find Server1.msc on desktop, right clicked on net login resume, but this is not working.

Our Windows 2000 server keeps rebooting itself every night and we get an access violation,how can we fix this?windows xp pro

Call in a service consultant in your area, they will charge you, but does not sound like you have much of a choice.

An online forum like this one is not a magical cure. I have not clue what is going on, or what your setup is.

Please just call someone in. Or you can phone me 905-431-4564. First half hour free, then I start charging.

Our Windows 2000 server keeps rebooting itself every night and we get an access violation,how can we fix this?microsoft net framework internet explorer

Access violation %26amp; auto rebooting sounds a virus or trojan to me. It could be also that a hardware part is getting weak or failing apart.

Running windows 2000 on a previously networked compaq pc it gives an error saying keyboard not detec

even if i change keyboards I think it is locked out because the ctrl-alt-del access to input a password was tried and failed three+ times. how can i correct this problem

Running windows 2000 on a previously networked compaq pc it gives an error saying keyboard not detected?microsoft templates

Reset all passwords by talking the MB battery out, then back in, and try using a usb keyboard. You may have a bad port.

Running windows 2000 on a previously networked compaq pc it gives an error saying keyboard not detected?windows firewall internet explorer

Go into the BIOS and turn off any setting that says halt on keyboard errors at bootup.

Ihave windows 2000 professional version 5.0 can i up grade to xp home edition?

No however you can upgrade to XP Professional.

Ihave windows 2000 professional version 5.0 can i up grade to xp home edition?nintendo ds browser

You have to buy the product from a local store or

Ihave windows 2000 professional version 5.0 can i up grade to xp home edition?windows 98 internet explorer

Windows XP home will not upgrade from W2k Professional. By this I mean you can not upgrade from Windows running and keep all settings. You have to do a clean install from the boot. All your files and programs will be lost like this, but you can back them up on a external HDD to re-install later or use. But you can use a XP Home Upgrade cd to install a fresh install over your W2k installation. You will have to insert a valid windows OS disk ( 95-98-2000-ME) or the like and it will upgrade on the boot. It will just ask are you eligible for this upgrade and it will ask you insert a Windows OS disk to validate. Thanks

For windows 2000, what is the minimum and recommended hard drive space to store operating system?

I have windows 2000 and the computer I older one just has a 6 GB hard drive. I have microsoft office professional installed as well as Photoshop 7.

The drive is pretty crowded though. So I would say 6 gig is probably the smallest if you want to be able to do anything..and probably at least 10 gig would be better.

I do have almost 200 megs of ram though..that's probably more important than the hard drive. If you are buying an older computer..make sure it has at least 128 megs of ram..32 or 64 is too slow to run modern applications which are very memory hungry. The the older type of memory is getting harder to find and is getting expensive to replace.

For windows 2000, what is the minimum and recommended hard drive space to store operating system?windows xp professional

4GB hard disk with a minimum of 1GB of free space

On windows 2000 i used to be able to make compressed files, but the option has now disappeared?

It used to be under File: New ; Then compressed file,

But it has gone , how can i get it back?


On windows 2000 i used to be able to make compressed files, but the option has now disappeared?windows mobile


(ANS) In Win2K file compression is a drive feature (I.e. a feature enabled on the hard disk drive) and is found via windows explorer. Goto the top of your drive tree in explorer such as C:\ (highlight the drive letter), next right click with your mouse, from the menu that appears select "properties", next select the "general tab". On this page you should see a tick box that allows you to enable drive compression. This box should be ticked if you want to use file compression on this drive.

**You probably have just lost a setting for compression in the registry, file compression is a windows shell extension and thats possibly why you've lost it for some reason?

Hope that helps?

Regards Ivan

On windows 2000 i used to be able to make compressed files, but the option has now disappeared? internet explorer

install winzip and use that
I like 7-zip versus winzip.....great program, and its free.....

Does windows 2000 support wireless?

Yes, although depending on hardware you may need to get drivers.

Does windows 2000 support wireless?windows mail

Yes it does, but MS does not support win2k any more so you're at risk if you're connected to the internet.

Does windows 2000 support wireless?microsoft maps internet explorer

yes,, but very different compare to windows XP. you need to install the software for wireless lan card..
it should i have clearwire it don't have a problem with it ,if your having problems if your using wireless call support for it.
Yes and MS still support it but not the M.E. version
Yes, and MS does still support 2000, I am getting daily updates on all my client's machines.

I hav windows 2000 operating system..I want to install 3d games like moto racer 2 etc..plzzz help???

when to install is giving CRC error

how t odibyg it

well I don't hav cd's of these games..setups r saved in my computer...

I hav windows 2000 operating system..I want to install 3d games like moto racer 2 etc..plzzz help???internet explorer 7

Cyclic Redundacy Check or CRC error.

your hard disks is getting corrupt !!

I hav windows 2000 operating system..I want to install 3d games like moto racer 2 etc..plzzz help???microsoft word internet explorer

on the bottom of the game has the hardware recommedation for it to play on certain computers. your processors might be able to support the game. but the way it sounds like that you have a older proccesor. which means that the game might not to work on this certain game......laterzzzzzzzzzzzzz
The only game that runs smoothly on windows 2000 is...solitary.

Windows 2000 are NT compatible Operating system, this results that this OS are only suitable to open Business or strong Client-Server Applications and not will be suitable to open game App, cause the Direct X are not completely compatible API installed in this OS.

Maybe some game applications that NOT involve 3d graphics like Galactic Battle grounds and some bitmap based graphics and some vector graphics will run, but Motoracer and all new games Will not fact, if you install 3d graphics hardware will not work cause the driver doesn鈥瞭 exist for Win 2000...READ the game requirements and you found that the averange of the games read NOT COMPATIBLE

with WINDOWS 2000.

By this reason Win 2000 are very stable...because are a OS operative system oriented to WORK not to play games...if you plan to run games, better install Windows XP and add all the RAM you can with the PC hardware you have...all Direct X controls (and controllers) will work smooth over XP HOME.

I expect this answer will solve your question

How do you delete windows 2000 and install the new application windows 2003?

I assume you are a home user with a PC. You don't install Windows 2003. That's a server product. You need to install Windows XP. Just insert the Windows XP CD and follow the directions.

How do you delete windows 2000 and install the new application windows 2003?ies

format your computer's harddrive (after making a backup of your important files) and then use the windows 2003 installation CD and reinstall your operating system and then restore your backuped files. Report It

How do you delete windows 2000 and install the new application windows 2003?windows update internet explorer

It's not necessary, you can use the full 2003 to upgrade from the 2000, they both support NTFS, and you save your files without all the hassle of backing up and burning to disc.. Good Luck
I agree with jimjones i havent seen win2003 for user,win2003 is a server. You should go to winxp... its better to upgrade win2000 rather than to delete it. because when you delete win2000 you have to format it and lose your files. but when you upgrade win2000 to winxp or win2000, all your files stays as they are. All that change is your operating system...

On windows 2000 insert winxp (win2003) installer then choose install, then choose "UPGRADE" ..

I have windows 2000. I have a new really great monitor, want to add a tv card or watch my dish thru

How can i watch my dishnetwork thru my PC minotor? can I add a tv card ? How does that work?

I have windows 2000. I have a new really great monitor, want to add a tv card or watch my dish thru PC how ?internet explorer download

I have windows 2000. I have a new really great monitor, want to add a tv card or watch my dish thru PC how ?windows xp internet explorer

Well, you can simply buy an internal or external TV card.

The Internal one should fit in your PCI slot inside your Motherboard. The external ones stays out of the system and are mostly connected in between the monitor and the CPU. External ones costs a bit high. The Internal ones need the PC to be ran to watch the TV. External ones only needs the monitor to operate.

I would suggest buying an Avermedia TV card

After getting the one you want, plug in the cable to the card just like the TV, install driver if internal and usb and enjoy and record movies.
You can watch online TV without having to install any hardware.

What is windows 2000 server?

It is a Server Operating Server 2003 only older. Windows 2000 Pro is the desktop client OS, 2000 Server is the Server OS.

I have windows 2000 professional and i want to install my ibm web cam already tried looking 4 a no o

Your operating system should handle this just fine. Everybody has to guess what a no on the back is. Install the camera in the proper port. They are located in different places on different computers.

How do i make window 2000 look like windows xp?

Why does everyone confuse Windows 2000 with Windows ME?

Anyway, I believe that WindowBlinds supports that feature, although I've never tried it (I prefer the "classic" look, even on Vista).

How do i make window 2000 look like windows xp?uninstall internet explorer

You buy Windows XP becase 2000 no offence was the worst OS made. 98 was better.

How do i make window 2000 look like windows xp? internet explorer

I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I think XP's GUI sucks! Most dedicated users including myself make it look like Windows 2000 (Windows Classic).

I have windows 2000 prof,could someone plz tell me how I can this faster? it is sooo slow and I have

I have run my cleaners and it is still slow...

I have windows 2000 prof,could someone plz tell me how I can this faster? it is sooo slow and I have broadbandmicrosoft

Do you have/use spybot and spyblaster?

If not, use them (for free) and see if that fixes the problem.

I have windows 2000 prof,could someone plz tell me how I can this faster? it is sooo slow and I have broadbandmicrosoft access internet explorer

DSL is fast maybe you need to delete your internet files that can be found under control panel. Maybe even delete your catche files
What's slow? The internet/downloading or all processes?

Maybe more RAM would help. Just guessing, not alot of info to go on.

if u want to fast ur pc then u need to upgrade higher ur pc configratio i.e RAM, Farddisc etc.

or if u want high ur broadband speed u need to take higher bandwith limit and internet speed.

Try adding some memory. If your process' surpass your exsisting RAM you may be using your hard drive as a temporary cashe
Chances are you have some major adware problems and alot of stuff running in the background. Come check out our links and downloads pages. There are some useful tools there that may help you. Be sure to run the Microsoft scan on the links page. We find that very useful at times.
I am affraid your computer is not installed properly and i learned it all from the website below!

If you think i am kidding too bad cause i only tried to help!!!

Where can I get windows 2000 upgrade from window 98 cheap? (for an older computer?)?

Ebay is about the best place to go. I would get a full copy - OEM is fine just not a upgrade. Windows 2000 is Great - I use it in 90% of my computers - But it works far better if you do a clean install and when you format it you go with NTFS as it is far and away more stable than FAT32 - This is a Great idea for a older computer - Just be sure you have at least 128MB of memory - this is where 2000 starts to work correctly 256MB is the sweet spot where it works great - more than that does not seem to do much!!! The best way to do a clean install is to zero or wipe the drive - Killdisk works well for this. One other note if you want to look up and see what upgrades in memory are available for your machine and what its specs are Kahlon is a great site. See Sources.... Good Luck!!!

Where can I get windows 2000 upgrade from window 98 cheap? (for an older computer?)?ireland

Probably not a good idea.

Trust me.


Where can I get windows 2000 upgrade from window 98 cheap? (for an older computer?)?microsoft outlook internet explorer

Ebay Rules!

Its not a good idea your computer will crash down
Your PC will run Win2K if it has a (minimum values)133Mhz Pentium CPU, 128Mb of RAM, and a partition of 2Gb to install to. Moving from Win9x to 2K is a good idea, but you'll find it quite different with regard to security as user accounts, privilages etc are much more defined in 2K. You should be able to pick up a copy on eBay, as already been suggested

I have windows 2000 and how do i get my firewall to let my rocket pro conect to the internet?

it is a long time since I used 2000, is the firewall icon on your task bar right hand side, if it is right click on it and open it up and knock it off if not you may have to go to the control panel click on the firewall Icon and do it from there,

Runtime error windows 2000?

i guess u need to get the JVM ( java Virtual machine)

but u didnt specfy in what Programs u r getting this error.

u can get JVM from

Runtime error windows 2000?windows media player

Does windows XP get that problem?

Can I download Windows XP to a computer with Windows 2000?

Yes you can install XP to a system that is 2000. Just make sure that you have the system requirements to do this.

Can I download Windows XP to a computer with Windows 2000?microsoft office

if the computer hardware is up to date and you considerable amounts of RAM (or ROM) yea

Can I download Windows XP to a computer with Windows 2000?opera browser internet explorer

ya sure u can..u just have 2 insert the cd and start installations
If your computer is capable of supporting XP it will be OK

I installed Windows 2000 server, from that day on i'm unable to upload. Can any body suggest a

Well i have tried everything from checking the line to formatting my pc. I think there is some problem because server cannot be easily formatted please tell me how can i start my upload

I installed Windows 2000 server, from that day on i'm unable to upload. Can any body suggest a solution?windows live

Dear friend,

Installing windows 2000 server is very easy. but the way u install that might be wrong because when u install windows 2000 server there are some option to be unselected depending on what u want. Even after u install windows 2000 server what u are not able to upload. like Files, folder, bites, what. just send me the right description what error is there on ur screen or something El's.

I installed Windows 2000 server, from that day on i'm unable to upload. Can any body suggest a solution?windows media player 11 internet explorer

go get a ftp

there you will find programs that will help you

good luck
do you have an computer help book?if so just look on that and you should be able to find out.
look this

I have windows 2000 on my laptop but i forgot the password what do i do?

please help me

I have windows 2000 on my laptop but i forgot the password what do i do?windows update

There are several steps to take if you believe you have forgotten your password:

1. Ensure you typed the correct password. Remember, passwords are case sensitive. See Password Guidelines for more information.

2. Make sure Caps Lock is not enabled on your keyboard.

3. Was the Member ID entered correctly? Make sure you have entered your Member ID and domain which is the same as your full email address.

4. Ensure cookies are enabled.

5. After two unsuccessful attempts, open a new browser window such as Internet Explorer and try again.

I have windows 2000 on my laptop but i forgot the password what do i do?microsoft excel internet explorer


chk the link tho... may help
you can possibly find a password cracker on limewire or warez. if u use limewire dont download any file at the size of 197.7KB or 857.7KB they r viruses and if u download a zip file and it says ysb toolbar dont unzip it.
There are locksmith programs that you find out, but if this is your only computer, then it would be easier just to do a wipe and reload!
really you can't do anything sorry to say that
there are some locksmith programs n u can get it free



You could try hacking into your laptop from another computer. If you have not applied any of the service packs to Win2k, then there are lots of vulnerabilies that exist in the OS. You can try to connect to some of the default services that run on the system, for example a web server or some ftp or telnet program. Then you can exploit those programs to get access to one of the user accounts on the machine. Then try to download the password file that is stored on the machine. Once you get the password file, use a password cracker program to reveal the password of all users in the file.

I cannot give more specific details on how to do each step....cos you have to be hacker and I am not and neither are you.
relogin again or ask a computer technichian to help u fix the computer?!
if you boot into safe mode you can then access the control panel and click on user passwords to change it. I would suggest not forgetting your password next time.

I have windows 2000 pro and would like to view my cookie files and delete some cookies i do not want

Open the "System Partition eg.(c:)"

OPen Documents and Settings

Open the Folder with your User Name (eg.Raaj)

Open Cookies

U can find all the cookies which has been used by You

What is difference between windows 2000 server and windows 2003 server?

The main difference is windows 2003 server has a built in mail server and all other server compared to 2000

What is difference between windows 2000 server and windows 2003 server?web browser

active directory in 2003 allows you to drag and drop users etc etc

im sure there are plenty other things which i cant think of at this point in time........

I have windows 2000 prof, is it safe to remove hot fixes from the add /remove?

It usually is, but I have seen it not work out so well.

Why would you want to do it? If you do not have a specific documented issue with a particular hotfix, I would not do it.

I have windows 2000 prof, is it safe to remove hot fixes from the add /remove?microsoft access

Nope, keep them that's what is keepin that old version of windows up to date with the new techinoldy

I have windows 2000 prof, is it safe to remove hot fixes from the add /remove?windows mobile 6 internet explorer

No, those are updates for Windows (probably security related).
No. they are patches that were provided for a reason, usually security, if you remove them all sorts of bad things could happen to your system, unrecoverable things.
Only if you know 10,000% What they are and what they do.
Depends on which hotfixes.

SOME can be removed, and some cannot.

You will need to get the hotfix number, check at ms web site, find the hotfix, and see what it does. Some fixes, like the obvious ones for earlier versions of Media Player, can be removed, but some are kind of in a grey area.The HF will usually say if it is essential or not on the website, and this is a good guide

I have windows 2000, I want to move a file to a disk. it says i need to format disk. i say yes it sa

Do I have a glitch? or do I need to fix something? also it does this with any disk i put in.

I have windows 2000, I want to move a file to a disk. it says i need to format disk. i say yes it say i cant?microsoft outlook

Sounds like time for a new drive.

I have windows 2000, I want to move a file to a disk. it says i need to format disk. i say yes it say i cant?windows messenger internet explorer

Hate it when that happens!
The floppy disk has a write protect feature. If you move the tab on the disk to allow write does this work? If not then your floppy disk drive is broken and you need a new one.
Are we talking about a floppy disk or a CD?

Most floppies are pre-formatted when we get them.

In order to use a CD as a backup for data files, my two burners state that I have to use CD/RWs and they must be first formatted with the software that powers the burner. My Samsung uses Nero, my Dell uses DLA. Check your User's Guide.

I used to do this but now, with flashdrives, I no longer use CD/RWs.

Login to Windows 2000 Novell (laptop)?

I got a laptop from someone..(parents work)

and it get to the login screen and i can't get by....

some times it says it can't find the tree or server

i tried safe mode but i still have to login

i need some way to get in without the password...

Please help me!

Login to Windows 2000 Novell (laptop)?windows live messenger

Ask the previous owner for the W2K CD or the password.

You could also replace W2K with the free Kubuntu Linux, just google for it.

I have Windows 2000 and a Dell computer Audio comes out sounding like the voice is too fast when I p

I've tried different speakers, how can I repair

I have Windows 2000 and a Dell computer Audio comes out sounding like the voice is too fast when I play soundsopera browser

sounds like a dithering issue.

I have windows 2000 professional, and I am looking for a way to access the start up menu.?

God only knows what I have running at start up and I am looking for a way to access that menu and control what is running at startup...any suggestions would be very helpful.

I have windows 2000 professional, and I am looking for a way to access the start up menu.?windows media player 11

The following involves editing the registry and can be very dangerous if you don't know what your doing. That being said:

Click Start then Run and type Regedit.

Click OK

double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

then Software

then Microsoft

then Windows

then Current Version

then Run.

The entries you find in there are what the Registry starts automatically when Windows boots.

Look carefully through the list on the right side for programs that you want to remove. Be careful what you delete. Do not delete anything that you are not absolutely positive about.

There is one other place that you should look.

Right Click on Start then choose Explore All Users.

An Explorer window will open.

Double click on Programs then double click on Startup.

The icons in there will start their respective programs for anyone who logs into that computer.

I have windows 2000 professional, and I am looking for a way to access the start up menu.?microsoft publisher internet explorer

ok u can see it on control panel%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;admisistrative tools%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;services.
Go to Start, Run, type in "msconfig". Look at the Services and Startup tabs. Uncheck the ones you don't want to trun.
Try Hijack this, it lets you remove run keys from the registry, make sure you can identify what you are removing. http:\\

I like using regedit, click run, regedit

what you want to look for is under

local machine-software-micrsoft-

windows-curent version-run


curent user-software-micrsoft-

windows-curent version-run

that is where windows looks to run the startup items

you have to do this manually because windows 2k does not have the msconfig utility, be very carefull about what you delete under the run key, make sure you can identify what you are removing, stay away from the rest, the registry is the back bone of windows configuration

Does anyone know if Windows 2000 has a System Restore function like Windows XP, and where to find it

No it does not have that feature.

You can use the installation CD's to repair it but the restore wasn't added to the OS until XP.

The good news is that 2000 rarely needs that!

Does anyone know if Windows 2000 has a System Restore function like Windows XP, and where to find it?microsoft excel

yes it should have...start-all programmes-accessories and then system tools...should be there somewhere...good luck

Does anyone know if Windows 2000 has a System Restore function like Windows XP, and where to find it?microsoft updates internet explorer

No it does not. System Restore first appeared in Windows XP. All versions of WIndows before that do not have system restore.
yes it is there in windows 2000 professional.

go to start-----programmes-----accessories---s... tools---system restore

Explainwhy is windows 2000 proffesional is proposed for?

i don't know what exactly u wan't to know...?

Windows 2000 professional is different from other versions in the sense that it is more professional like i.e . more technical and secure.In my city, almost all internet cafes use windows 2000 professioal.

Explainwhy is windows 2000 proffesional is proposed for?microsoft office 2007

Windows 2000 provides a wide range of benefits, features and functionality.

Value Lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

Reliability Uptime (17% %26gt; NT 4, 50% %26gt; 9x)

Mobility Laptop support, hibernation, APM

Manageability Group policies, MMC, delegation

Performance Speed (27% %26gt; 9x)

Security VPN, IPsec, LT2P, Biometrics

Internet IE 5, WebDav, Active Desktop

Data Access Intellimirror, DFS, Offline store

Hardware Support Plug and Play, USB, Firewire

Explainwhy is windows 2000 proffesional is proposed for?windows media internet explorer

don't understand the question. proposed for what?

I have Windows 2000, can I put XP on my computer without erasing all the data I've already got?

Yes, but I'd advise against it. It's better to do a "clean install" and clean out all the cruft that has built up from all the applications that you have installed.

Save all your data to CDs and start from scratch. You'll feel better in the end.

I have Windows 2000, can I put XP on my computer without erasing all the data I've already got? ex. songs?windows installer

yes. but have someone that knows what their doing do it.

I have Windows 2000, can I put XP on my computer without erasing all the data I've already got? ex. songs?microsoft vista internet explorer

yeh it will, but save all your songs etc to a memory stick or other storage media and then pop them back on!
Yes there is a way to have both on your computer at the same time. On my computer I did the same thing. It should be in the options when you install it but I might be wrong. Just know that it is possible and when it starts up it will show both and you have 5 seconds to choose which you want to start up.
Yes, installing a new version of Windows should only change the files in the Windows directory, not other folders. However, it is still a good idea to create a backup, in case something goes wrong.

Although, you should make sure you have at least 512MB RAM before you upgrade to XP, it is a big memory hog. A good RAM manufacturer is Crucial.
Yes you can. When you put the XP CD into your CD-Rom, it will walk your through the installation. It's very easy and simple although it takes several minutes.
The best way is to install two separate OSs on two separate drives. Make a slave drive and a primary. You could also partition if you have one HD but make sure you have enough memory. This is something a typical user should not attempt unless you are willing to lose all the info from your first OS (if you screw up). The fact that you asked the question means you should probably get an expert to do it (no offense).

There are, however, a lot of tutorials on the web for this sort of thing. Do a search and stick with techimo, cnet,, and for reputable guides.
Trik turner owns you little kid. You have no respect.

I downloaded windows 2000, burned it to a disk, used an ISO program to access the files, but I can&#

I've tried to boot my computer from the CD but it doesn't do anything. Help!

I downloaded windows 2000, burned it to a disk, used an ISO program to access the files, but I can't run it. Ysafari browser

it's not going to work on the disk..... they do this so people CAN"T use burned copies of windows.... stop trying its not worth it

I downloaded windows 2000, burned it to a disk, used an ISO program to access the files, but I can't run it. Yds browser internet explorer

because, you have to use the "copy cd" option, as if you are burning from one disk to another disk, except when you are selecting the "source disk" you want to select the "cd image" option, if it is available.

Then burn that, and voila! you got yourself a fresh brand-new copy of Windows 2K.

NOTE: use a "CD-Image" option, not a "data file" option (drag 'n drop).

"Copy CD" etc.

Im running windows 2000, was useing internet explorer, switched to firefox, can i delete internet ex

It is possible, but not recommended. IE is integrated into almost every aspect of the windows operating system. Almost nothing works without it, including Windows Update. Hence one of the reasons for the Microsoft lawsuit a while back.

Here are links from wikipedia expounding on what I have just said. The first one tells of differing methods of removing IE from your system. The other talks about the Microsoft case.

Im running windows 2000, was useing internet explorer, switched to firefox, can i delete internet explorer?internet browser

You can, but it's better to keep it. Not all sites are designed for Firefox nor will you be able to use the Microsoft Web Update function which requires IE. I kept both myself.

Im running windows 2000, was useing internet explorer, switched to firefox, can i delete internet explorer?windows media center internet explorer

Why not??? It's just your decision.

Im running windows 2000 XP home edition and i need to remove something f/ my start up menu! Help!?

start%26gt;run%26gt; type in msconfig

go to startup tab on the top right

there uncheck the things you don't want to start up.

Im running windows 2000 XP home edition and i need to remove something f/ my start up menu! Help!?windows mobile 6

Right click on the item and click delete.

Im running windows 2000 XP home edition and i need to remove something f/ my start up menu! Help!?microsoft office 2003 internet explorer

Right click on the Start button, select "Explore All Users"

Expand Start Menu -%26gt; Programns -%26gt; Start Up.

If what you are looking for isn't there

type "C:\Documents and Settings\%26lt;Your UserName%26gt;\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" in the address bar of that window.

Where %26lt;Your UserName%26gt; is the profile you are logged in as.

If you don't see the address bad in the Explorer Window, its under

"View-%26gt;Toolbars-%26gt;Address Bar"
As mentioned above, using "msconfig" will work to prevent something from starting when Windows starts. However, it only works on Windows XP, not 2000... I've tried.
or simply click start, right click the thing you want removed and select remove from list from the menu that appears

DeepFreeze for windows 2000/xp disabling?

I accedentally installed the Deepfreeze program in my computer and i can't modify my computer programs anymore. Whatever the changes i made will be removed after i restart my computer. so i want to remove this program but i don't know how to remove this from my computer. It doesn't appear in the Program List under the control panel. How to remove or disable it?

DeepFreeze for windows 2000/xp disabling?windows messenger

go to start%26gt;search files and folders...Type in name of it ,let computer complete search..Delete everything in search window by right clicking on them

DeepFreeze for windows 2000/xp disabling?microsoft works internet explorerActually, the problem is that it removes stuff upon restart, what you can try to do is restart the computer and boot from a boot disk, then remove the DeepFreeze files that way, I'll let you figure out the file names, though. Haven't tried it myself, though, so not 100% sure if it'll work against DF Report It

Because of the 300 character limit I had to split my comment. Merely deleting it through search won't work because, and I misspoke before, it'll refresh the system to a specified slate. It deletes new stuff, and re-adds old stuff, it acts like a mini system-restore tool. Report It

manually remove it by going to my computer and then looking for it in whatever drive its in.
Going to have to explore around in all your folders I imagine!

You can also get Windows Installer Cleanup utility from Microsoft!

Hope that'll work for you, it works for me!

Let me know either way!

I have windows 2000 pro and want xp how can i upgrade using xp home upgrade?

Here is a webpage that goes through the upgrade process for win2000 to xp hopefully it helps:

I have windows 2000 pro and want xp how can i upgrade using xp home upgrade?windows updates

get the cd

put it in

follow directions


I have windows 2000 pro and want xp how can i upgrade using xp home upgrade?replacement windows internet explorer

u can not use xp upgrade...u must have an xp software disc to upgrade to xp.
No u can't, go to the Microsoft link.
Personally. I wouldnt call putting home edition on any form of upgrade...stick with 2K pro

Is windows millium edition softwear older than windows 2000 or the same aged softwear?

windows 2000 came out about a half a year before ME , with 2000 being geared toward professionals and ME being the "home edition"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Why wont windows 2000 recognize cdroms in my cd/dvdr and cd/dvd drives ?

I have two drives on my system. One is a dvdrom/cdrom drive and the other is a dvdr/cdrom drive. Niether drive will read a cdrom. Error comes up saying drive drive is not accessable or please insert a disk. The dvd drive will read a dvd and the burner drive burns discs why wont they read a cdrom? The boxes they came in say they are capable of doing so.

Why wont windows 2000 recognize cdroms in my cd/dvdr and cd/dvd drives ?microsoft windows

Lemme guess, you just installed them? Did you set the jumpers correctly? Read the installation guides..

Help for Windows 2000 Professional SP4?

Well, I just installed SP4 on another computer, but when it restarted, it kept on restarting again and again after I try to log in. HELP!!!

Help for Windows 2000 Professional SP4?microsoft publisher

If this computer is networked, and can be accessed this is the registry key that needs attention.

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Look for the UserInit key on the right side and make sure that it is pointing to this path...


If safemode or last good configuration are not available using %26lt;f8%26gt;, either get a win2k CD or make setup floppies from another computer with win2k and use the repair option. If it's still unsuccessfully, boot again from the floppies and uninstall the service pack from add/remove programs.

You might want to try installing sp3 first, and then sp4. Without the CD this is pretty much a fatal problem if these steps don't work.

Help for Windows 2000 Professional SP4?microsoft live internet explorer


I had some problems before with Windows 2000 Pro SP4 myself. Try to start the computer in safe mode (Press F8 when the loading bar appears). If that doesn't work, do a repair with a bootable Windows 2k CD.

Can a program for Windows 2000 run on Windows ME as well?

I don't think anything runs on Windows Me.

Can a program for Windows 2000 run on Windows ME as well?windows xp themes

Windows 2000 is a server OS based on Windows NT technology. Windows ME is a home OS based on DOS. They are in no way the same, but the only way to find out is to install it and run it. It may just work -- it may not.

Can a program for Windows 2000 run on Windows ME as well?download windows media player internet explorer

I don't know for sure, but I have Office 2000 installed with Windows XP.
It depends on the program.

If you have a disk, check the back of the disk for minimum requirements, most times it will list both;

OS: Windows 2000/ME/XP or whatever system.

I don't know which came out first, but its a safe bet that you can use it on both OS's. Any program listing OS's lower than your current OS means that you can use it on your newer OS.

If the App is downloaded from the internet, check the download page, most time they have system requirements as well.
Honestly it depends on what foundation the program you are trying to install and run was built under. Windows 2000 runs primarily under the NT Kernel but has the ability to emulate the DOS Kernel for legacy applications. Windows ME was based solely off the DOS Kernel and has no support for applications that rely on the NT Kernel.

So in other words 鈥?if the program was designed to be used on JUST Windows 2000, then no it is not going to work. But if the program was designed to be cross platform compatible and uses the DOS Kernel, then yes there鈥檚 a very good possibility that it will work.

Good luck,


I have windows 2000 and i cant seem to get my backgrounds to show up.?

i go into settings and try to set a background and it wont even let me click on anything so i decided to download webshots and even when i tell it to use that certain wallpaper it doesnt ever show up all you can see is my background color. am i missing something? please help its driving me nuts.

I have windows 2000 and i cant seem to get my backgrounds to show up.?microsoft frontpage

I helped someone with this the other day. The only way she coule get the image to work was by opening it. Then right-clicking on the image and choosing "Set as Background"

Explain why windows 2000 proffesional is proposed for?

Windows 2000 has very strong security tools, while generally having the ease-of-use of Windows XP. For my own personal computer, I'd go with Windows XP Home. For business applications, I'd look into Win XP Pro first, then consider Win 2000.

Explain why windows 2000 proffesional is proposed for?microsoft support

Windows 2000 Professional is the NTFS version to Windows ME. It is more stable and more likely to be used by businesses. It has better networking capabilities and security. It is more expensive than ME.

Explain why windows 2000 proffesional is proposed for?windows live mail internet explorer

Win 2000 is the first Windows of NT-kernel heritage that don't use "Windows NT" as its name. Immediately following it in this lineage are X Box/360, Win XP Home/Pro/Media, Vista.

Windows NT was positioned to target corporate IT market, 2000 Professional is for the corporate cubicals; as opposed to 2000 Server for the IT room.

The other hand, dead-ended lineage is DOS-based, Windows 9x, and lastly Windows Me; they are dead-ends were marketed for home-use. Even they are replaced by XP Home in this generation.

If you have a windows 2000 how do you put music on a i pod?

update your computer. i think itunes requires xp. and the newest version also requires a 64 bit processor.

Do you think i should get windows 2000 or windows xp?

windows xp it's newer and better.

Do you think i should get windows 2000 or windows xp?microsoft windows xp

xp, its the newer system

Do you think i should get windows 2000 or windows xp?ie 7 internet explorer

Get Vista! If you MUST get windows. Mac is WAY better.
xp itsz the most recent besides vista
um..ur about 6-7 years behind, try gettting a new computer with vista
this obvious answer for beneficial reasons is windows xp :D
XP........... dont bother getting Vista its crap and most software doesnt work with it, plus the successor to Vista will be released in a year and a half anyway.
Try Xp Its Better.
XP, or 98 if your old school (jp) but NOT windows ME whatever you do or you'll regret t FAST!!! So i'd say xp, its pretty tite, runs way better than vista.
Either of those are great - just don't get vista. Vista has lots of problems.
Windows XP I don't think Microsoft supports 2000 anymore with updates. But also depends on how old your system is to?
XP- IT's newer and pretty well perfected. The jury is still out on Vista
Windows xp, people don't go backward 2000 came before xp.
it all depends on what you want to use. windows 2k is more like a server type operating system. windows xp is more compatible for majority of these software. in my opinion i would pick windows xp so that you won't have to worry about both software/hardware issue.
From the two you should get XP, it has later and more up to date features than 2000 and more software and programs will work on it than 2000.

but Windows Vista is the latest from Windows after XP so that would be the best choice of all.
windows xp
Out of those two choices, definitely XP, but Vista is better than both.

Vista is the newest i have it but i think might want to wait on it.

Has some kinks.
Get windows XP. Windows 2000 is way too old. And I have heard of too many problems with Vista. Windows XP, I think, has been around long enough to be reliable, for the most part.
Windows 2000 is too outdated -- I would definitely go with XP. Most people using it, like it and Microsoft is going to offer non-technical support for another five years.

Unless you are going to get a new computer, you had better run the WindowsXP Advisor to see if your computer can run it.

Go here

Scroll down a bit and look for the Advisor.
That's the same as asking "Should I get something newer or something older?

Well that depends on "what ya got and what ya wants ta do.

If you have a later model comp, then get the latest OS (Operating System).

Every new version of Windows has added benefits and programs and yes Vista has some problems (mostly gaming) but that's because the game manufacturers are not yet caught up or have not yet supplied a patch to fix it.

PS: Should I get a horse and buggy or a Ferrari?

XP. I had both but I love XP

Iam using windows 2000 with internet connection.A toolbar was installed in explorer without permissi

I cannot uninstall or remove the toolbar is it a spyware

Iam using windows 2000 with internet connection.A toolbar was installed in explorer without registry

Go to control panel , add and remove programs and remove that particular toolbar installed. Thats Hit !

Iam using windows 2000 with internet connection.A toolbar was installed in explorer without 6 internet explorer

It might be. Without a name to go by it is hard to say. However if it was added without permission, it sure sounds like ad or spyware. Download Windows Defender anti spyware. It will probably get rid of it and prevent it from coming back. It is free too. Another thing to get rid of any program is your uninstaller....Below are links for free downloads! your uninstaller is a 21 day free trial....Good luck!

Operating Systems Supported: Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3 (SP3), Windows XP, or later.

I have service pack 2, does this mean the software with this on it won't work with my computer?

Operating Systems Supported: Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3 (SP3), Windows XP, or later.........?windows 95

If you have Win2K you need SP3. If you have XP you're fine.

I have windows 2000 can I completely remove Microsoft Internet Explorer if so how? I now have firefo

Go to add/remove programs and then click on the left side it says windows programs, click that and then uncheck internet explorer.

I have windows 2000 can I completely remove Microsoft Internet Explorer if so how? I now have firefox.?windows 2000

no, you can hide it but it is to importand to the OS to completely remove. plus there are still some websites you need it for

I have windows 2000 can I completely remove Microsoft Internet Explorer if so how? I now have firefox.?internet explorer internet explorer

you cannot remove completely MS Explorer, just hide it, and never use it again.
Internet explorer is part of windows.....I'm sure you're still using parts of it even if you have firefox.
well the way I would do it is to delete the program from the computer and use firefox instead put it into the trash and then empty it

but in your case, no you can't just don't use it
You can remove most programs by going to Start%26gt;%26gt;Control Panel%26gt;%26gt;Add or Remove Programs%26gt;%26gt;And click the program you no longer want and/or need.
You can hide it from the control panel, add remove settings, But like the others say, do not delete or permantly remove it, windows explorer and several other vital programs rely on it. Or you can simply delete the desktop "E" Icon and forget it. And use firefox, I recently aquired Fast Browser Pro - It is freeware now, use to cost $29.95. It uses tabs, skins, and Helluva Fast Browser Based on the IE interface. But NO DO NOT DELETE IE, you will regret it.. Trust a A+ Tech, I know what I am talking about, and it didn't cost you a thing, but to listen....Good Luck
no you can't remove it but you can hide it as the first person said
Don't remove IE. There are some websites which use IE even if Firefox is your default. You would have difficulty using those sites if IE is not installed on your computer.
You shouldn't do that, because if you need to go to the MS website, they will require you to use IE. Just use Firefox (and keep it updated)!

My laptop windows 2000 has seem to gotten of its Microsoft internet site i cant download of get noth

i believe it is full of virsus How don i get back on track without my computer locking? this is driving me nuts i cant watch my programs without some Abode flash drive or some else i have to doownload or i cant watch any thing that says full episode . What is aMacrombie something else to download to watch programs my computer is really old about 7years now. i can get dsl but not internet explorer. Thank help will be accepted.

My laptop windows 2000 has seem to gotten of its Microsoft internet site i cant download of get nothing at alwindows themes

if you're thinking of buying a laptop you should check out this site first. they give you a sony vaio laptop for FREE! all you need to do is complete a few quick tasks for them.

I have Windows 2000 and I keep getting told my virtual memory is too low. How do I fix it?

go to control panel/system/advanced/performance/advanc... memory/change and increase the value minimum to 800 or 1000 and maximum to 1800 or 2000

I have Windows 2000 and I keep getting told my virtual memory is too low. How do I fix it?microsoft word 2003

if your running low on virtual memory then you could be running low on hard drive space check it out... cause if you get to low one day you'll boot up to can't load windows ... missing operating system Report It

I have Windows 2000 and I keep getting told my virtual memory is too low. How do I fix it?internet explorer 6 internet explorer

either stop some programs from running or buy more ram.
Easiest method is to add more RAM and free up disk space as well.

Uninstall old programs you aren't using and move files you are not using (pictures, mp3, avi) onto CD or DVD as a backup.

Issue is that the programs you are running have used up all the RAM and accessed disk space until there is nothing really left.
You need to increase the size of your page file. Right click "My Computer" and choose "Properties" to open the System Properties dialog. Under the "Advanced" tab, find the section "Virtual Meory" and increase its size there. Make sure your disk have enough unsegmented free space, if not, do defragmentation first.
Virtual Memory is space allocated on your hard drive for those times that your physical memory (RAM) is not enough.

To increase the amount of virtual memory go to Control Panel %26gt; System %26gt; Advanced %26gt; Performance %26gt; Settings %26gt; Advanced %26gt; Virtual Memory "Change" %26gt; Custom Size %26gt; adjust as needed. 2 times your physical RAM is a good minimum and 3 times your physical memory in MB is good for your maximum.

computer security